Brazilian Portuguese translation of words commencing in S.


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sábado - Saturday

sabão - soap m.

saber - to know

saber - knowledge m.

sabonete - toilet soap m.

saborear - to taste

saboroso/a – tasty, delicious

saco – sack, bag

saco de mão - handbag m.

sagrado – sacred, holy

saia - skirt

saída - exit

saída de emergência - emergency exit

sair - to go out

sair (da sala) - to leave the room

sal - salt m.

sal de mesa - table salt

sal grosso - cooking salt

sala – room, hall

sala de aula - classroom

sala de espera - waiting room

sala de estar - living room

sala de jantar - dining room

sala de leitura - reading room

sala de operações - operating theatre

salada - salad

salada de fruta - fruit salad

salada mista - mixed salad

salada russa - Russian salad

salão de chá - tea lounge

salário - salary, wage

saldo - sale (on sale)

saldo bancário - bank balance

saldo negativo - overdraft

saldo positivo - credit balance

salgadinho - small salted biscuits

salgado/a - salty

salmão fumado - smoked salmon

salsa - parsley, sauce, gravy

saltar - to jump

salto – jump, (shoe) heal

salvo - except for

salvo: salvo erro - if I am not mistaken

sandália - sandal

sandes - sandwich f.

sangrar - to bleed

sangue - blood m.

santo/a - saint - holy

sapataria - shoe shop

sapateiro - shoemaker

sapato - shoe

sardinha - sardine

satisfeito/a - satisfied

saudade – yearning, nostalgia f.

saudável - healthy

saúde - health f.

se – if, itself, himself, herself, themselves (see reflexive verbs)

sé - cathedral f.

secador de cabelo - hair dryer

secar - to dry

secar o cabelo - to dry one's hair

secção - section

seco/a - dry

secretária – secretary, desk

secretaria - secretary's office

secretário - secretary

século - century

seda - silk

seda pura - pure silk

sede – thirst, head office, headquarters f.

seguinte - following

seguir - to follow

segunda-feira - Monday

segundo – second, according to

segundo/a - second

segurança - security, safety

seguro - insurance

seguro/a - safe

seis - six

seiscentos/as - six hundred

selo - stamp

selvagem - savage

sem - without

semana - week

semanal - weekly

semear - to sow

semelhante - similar

semente - seed f.

sempre – always, still

senha – token, pre-paid ticket

senhor - sir, man, gentleman

senhora - madam, lady

senhorio/a - landlord/lady

sensato/a - sensible

sensível - sensitive

sentar-se - to sit down

sentido – sense, meaning

sentimental - sentimental

sentimento - sentiment, feeling

sentir - to feel

sentir-se mal - to feel ill

separado/a - separate(d)

separar - to separate

sequer - even

ser - to be (permanent)

ser: a não ser que- unless

ser pontual - to be punctual

ser saudável - to be healthy

série – series, serial f.

sério/a - serious

serra - mountain range, saw

serviço - service

serviço de café - coffee set

serviço de chá - tea set

serviço de urgência - casualty department

servir - to serve, be of use

servir café/chá - to serve coffee/tea

servir quente/frio - to serve hot/cold

sessenta - sixty

sete - seven

setecentos/as - seven hundred

Setembro - September

setenta - seventy

sétimo/a - seventh

seu/sua – his, her, their, your (formal)

sexo - sex

sexta-feira - Friday

sexto/a - sixth

si - himself, herself, themselves (see pronouns after preposition)

silva - bramble bush

sim - yes

simpatia – kindness, affection

simpático/a – nice, pleasant

simpatizar - to sympathize

simples - simple

simplesmente – simply, only

sinal – signal, tone, sign, down-payment, deposit m.

sinaleiro/a - traffic commander

sincero/a - sincere

sindicato - union

sítio - place

situação - situation

snack-bar - snack-bar

só – only, alone

sob - under

sobrancelha - eyebrow

sobre - on top of

sobreiro - cork oak

sobremesa - dessert

sobretudo - above all, overcoat m.

sobrinho/a – nephew, niece

social - social

socialismo - socialism

socialista - socialist

sociedade – society, company f.

sócio/a – member, partner

socorro (socorro!) - help (help!)

sofá - sofa m.

sofrer - to suffer

sogro/a - father/mother-in-law

sol - sun m.

soldado - soldier

solidariedade - solidarity f.

solteiro/a – single, bachelor, spinster

somar - to add up

sombra - shadow

sonhar - to dream

sonho - dream

sono - sleep

sopa – soup

sopa de couve - cabage soup

sopa de feijão - beans soup

sopa de legumes - vegetable soup

sopa de pedra - traditional meat and veg soup

soprar - to blow

sorte – luck, fate f.

sorte: à sorte – randomly

sossegado/a – restful, peaceful

sossego – qietness, calmness

sotão - attic

soutien - bra m.

sozinho/a – on one's own, all alone all by oneself

stand - saleroom m.

suave – soft, gentle, smooth

subida (de preços) - rise (in prices)

subir - to go up, rise, climb

subsídio - grant, subsidy

subtrair - to subtract

Suco - juice

Sudeste - South East

Sudoeste - South West

suficiente - sufficient

sujar - to dirty

sujo/a - dirty

Sul - South m.

sumo - juice

sumo de ananás - pineapple juice

sumo de laranja - orange juice

suor - sweat m.

superior – superior, higher

supermercado - supermarket

supor - to suppose

surgir - to arise, to come up

surpreender - to surprise

surpresa – surprise

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