Portuguese English translation of words.
Words commencing in G.
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This is one more page of words I have selected for your Portuguese English translation. This time words commencing in G.
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gabardine – gabardine, mac f.
gado – livestock, cattle
gajo – guy, fellow, bloke
galão - milky coffee, gallon m.
galinha – hen, chicken
galo - cock
ganhar - to win, to earn
ganso - goose
garagem - garage f.
garfo - fork
gargalhada - laughter
garoto – espresso with milk
garrafa - bottle
gás - gas m.
gasolina - petrol
gastar - to spend, to wear
gato/a - cat
gaveta - drawer
geada - frost
gel de banho/duche - bath/shower gel
gelado - ice-cream
gelado/a - frozen
gelataria - ice cream parlour
geleia - jam
gelo - ice
género – gender, type, kind, sort
genro - son-in-law
gente - people f.
gente: a gente – people, one, we
gente: toda a gente - everybody
geral - general
geral: de uma maneira geral - in general, genarally speaking
geral: em geral - in general ; generally
geralmente – often, generally
gerente - manager
gigante - giant
gim - gin
ginásio - gym
ginástica - gymnastics
gíria - slang
giro/a – cute, great, fab, terrific
giz - chalk m.
golo - goal
gordo/a - fat
gorjeta – tip, gratuity
gostar de - to like
gosto – taste, liking, pleasure
gota - drop
governanta - housekeeper
governar - to govern, to rule
governo - government
gozar - to make fun of, to enjoy
graça – grace, joke
graça: ter graça - to be funny
graças a - thanks to
grama - gramme
gramática - grammar
grande – big, great, large
gravata - tie
grave – serious, grave
grelhado/a - grilled
grelhador - grill
grelhar - to grill
greve - strike
gripe - flu f.
gritar - to shout - cry
grosso/a - thick
grupo - group
guarda – guard, police wo/man m/f.
guarda-chuva - umbrella
guarda-fatos - wardrobe
guardanapo - napkin
guardar - to keep, to put away
guerra - war
guerrear - to fight (children), to wage war
guerrilha - guerilla
guia - guide m/f.
guiar - to guide, to drive
guiché - ticket office m.
guindaste - hoist, crane m.
guitarra - guitar
guitarrista – guitarist
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